Olivia Latham
Meno II

Helping women to regain control of their hot flushes and feel confident in the workplace.
Meno II is a three part concept which uses existing technology to cool menopausal women down in a space they have less control.
Meno II is a three part concept which uses existing technology to physically apply a cold sensation to pulse points to quickly cool down the body during a hot flush. Menopausal women have little control over their symptoms and hot flushes in the workplace, where physical conditions are set and limited options are available. MenoII aims to give women a solution, adapting to different people’s needs and remaining discreet where possible. The device physically cools, with a charging dock that aids with comfort of using the product, and a garment allowing the concept to become a wearable option for women who spend their working days on their feet.
Meno II is a three part concept which uses existing technology to cool menopausal women down in a space they have less control.
Meno II is a three part concept which uses existing technology to physically apply a cold sensation to pulse points to quickly cool down the body during a hot flush. Menopausal women have little control over their symptoms and hot flushes in the workplace, where physical conditions are set and limited options are available. MenoII aims to give women a solution, adapting to different people’s needs and remaining discreet where possible. The device physically cools, with a charging dock that aids with comfort of using the product, and a garment allowing the concept to become a wearable option for women who spend their working days on their feet.